The Storms of Life Require Centering Everything on Christ
Life will throw us many things, storms included.
Sometimes the waters of your life will be peaceful and calm, the glassy water will reflect back a perfect image of yourself with no ripples. These days will be happy, serene, and fun. You will have time for more things, you will feel productive and ready to conqure anything.
And sometimes, the winds rage, the waves leap over your head and into your boat until you believe you will drown. Sometimes life will knock you down in a storm so bad, you don't believe the sun will ever shine again. These days are fraught with hardship, heartache, and sorrow. You will often feel depressed, scattered, forgetful, and uneasy.
During the storm the most difficult challenge is remembering how to center your life on Christ.
What if our lives are a constant storm? What if we are scared? Or nervous? Or embarrassed? What if we feel guilt or pain? What if we cannot see a way out of the storm? In those moments, remember that Jesus accepts everyone, which means he will receive all of you. He will accept and welcome you with open arms, yes, even the broken you, the depressed you, and the angry you. Whatever version you present, he will love you.Â
It doesn't mean He wants or expects you to stay that way, He knows your potential for greatness, and He wants to help you reach that potential.Â
Remember, "Our Direction is More Important Than Our Speed" (Printable Download Available Here.)
Imperfect as we are, we can bring our heavy hearts to him for peace and comfort. We can give it all to him, the chaos, the confusion, and the crazy storms that form our earthly lives. He will take everything and create a calm place for us. Jesus Christ is the eye of our storm, the sun of our universe, the core of the apple, the subject of the sentence, and the lighthouse guiding us back to safety.
So, Center yourself on Him, and the wind will not move you, the waves will not break you, the quakes will not shake you, and the storms of life will have no power over you, for you will be centered on a firm foundation.
And that makes for a pretty centered life, don’t you think?