How it All Started
Hi everyone!
This is how 'Centered on Christ' all began.
It was 2019 - My little family of four had just moved to Tucson, AZ, and my husband was starting his first job out of law school. We were excited to finally be out of school (and out of Wyoming). I was over the cold, and we all wanted to go someplace warm - Tucson would do, right?
Most of you are thinking, 'Oh, she's in for a wake-up call!' because—ya know—Tucson is HOT HOT HOT! But I loved it!
My two boys were 3 and 5 at the time, and we spent our days playing, learning, and swimming at the apartment pool. It was good times.
One Sunday, I was asked to give a talk about figuring out how to make time for Christ in this hectic world with tight/busy schedules.
I thought about it for a while and decided the real question should be - How do we center our lives on Christ?
It's a simple idea, but it can be challenging to implement. After some scripture study and preparation, I gave my talk. But I didn't feel like I was finished. There was so much more to uncover with this simple but profound principle.
So, I started writing my very first book, Centered on Christ. I was so excited about it. As a kid, I wanted to be an author and would write stories about Greek mythology characters and fairies. This was not in the same realm of ethereal, elven women and Persephone (Characters I absolutely love), but I felt strongly about the topic and was inspired to keep going.
It didn't take long before I had a first draft, so I edited, edited, and edited. And then, I would start working on the writing again. I was stuck in a loop of writing, editing, hating what I had written, and starting over. I'm embarrassed to say this process is ongoing—to this day.
However, 2019 was also the year I created my first printable bundle/book, 'Come Follow Me Family Home Evening Lessons.' I spent hours and hours looking for inspiration and ideas for treats, activities, games, scriptures, songs, and more. I finished it and posted it to a blog I had at the time. And then, nothing happened.
I had no following, no experience selling printable downloads, and no money to put toward advertising.
So again, nothing happened.
After about ten months, my husband and I got better jobs in Prescott, AZ, so we moved - for the 14th time in our marriage.
I brought my manuscripts, dreams, and digital download designs with me. We jumped into 2020, which brought a lot of new things for us. My husband started working with the city; I began online teaching; our kids were growing; I started an Etsy shop and COVID hit.
My Etsy shop was based on my book 'Centered on Christ,' which was based on the talk I gave so long ago! I figured - there have to be other people in the world who want to center their lives in Christ - and maybe they would enjoy some Christian printables like home decor, scripture cards, and so on.
During COVID, we had a lot more time at home, and after going a bit stir-crazy, I tried to focus on quality time with my kids and teaching while also slowly adding more products to my Etsy shop. I went from selling eight items in 2020 to selling 18 items in 2021, then a decent jump to 321 items sold in 2022. It was not the kind of growth one hoped for, but it was a start.
2022 also brought us our beautiful baby girl. We were now a family of five, and I was juggling being a full-time mother, online teacher, homeschool mom, and trying to maintain an Etsy shop on the side. It was a lot, and I would like to say I was always happy, never lost my patience, and had it together - but I didn't. There were hard days, impossible days, and perfect days, too. It's life - it's messy, and I love it.
I also began creating books for Christian women and families to sell on Amazon.
So, by the time 2023 rolled around, My Etsy shop was doing better—especially during Christmas and New Year—and I was selling a good number of books.
We are finally back to the present. Sorry, that was a bit of a journey! But I feel like it is an injustice to say - this is how it all started - and begin the story before things were actually happening. I had an idea to center my life on Christ, and that had a domino effect on everything that has led to me starting a new website.
And this story doesn't even go into ALL the other things I have tried and failed to do over the years - including but not limited to - a homemade jewelry business, countless blogs, cupcakes, princess parties, and so many others!
I can't wait to see what happens next! Maybe this will all be a big flop - but ever since I started with the idea to Center my life on Christ - I feel like I am moving in the right direction.
The book that started it all is still a work in process, maybe one day I will finally finish it enough to feel comfortable putting it out into the world. But for now, I'm happy with designing all the products and books that were inspired by that humble beginning.
I would love to grow my own brand in a way that is unique to me and sell things the way I want to sell them. I want to help, motivate, and inspire women and families all over to center their lives on Christ, and I want to make a decent income to help provide for my beautiful family.
And the rest... is to be determined!