Getting Back to What Matters in a World of Hustling Social Media

Getting Back to What Matters in a World of Hustling Social Media

Life can feel like a never-ending race in a world that glorifies hustle culture and productivity, and it can be hard to remember what truly matters.

I love feeling like I am productive, so the hustle culture is difficult for me to ignore. And when I say difficult, I mean it is really difficult. I get caught up in the hustle and comparative society we live in today, especially on social media.

Let’s be honest, it’s hard not to.

Comparing on Social Media

I love looking at beautiful homes online, getting caught up in new clothing styles, and having new tools/gadgets marketed directly to me. “I swear! TikTok made me buy it!” Seems to be a common phrase I repeat these days.

I am also very susceptible to comparing myself to others - way too much. I compare myself to the amazing Pinterest moms, the fantastic entrepreneurs, the outdoorsy people who seem to go on a new adventure every week, and everyone else doing such fabulous things online.

But at the end of the day, I must remember that I only see the best of people online, and there is so much more I don’t see. We have to remember what really matters, and it’s not about the picture-perfect life we see online. It’s about creating your own life at home that is - not really perfect but can be perfect for you. Let’s make sense of the chaos, build a solid foundation, and put Christ at the center. That is what this blog/site is all about—Christ.

Christ - Should be the Subject

I apologize ahead of time for the English lesson, but I’m a word nerd and find parts of speech fascinating. Learning parts of speech can help explain things more fully.

In short, Christ should be the subject of the sentence. Those of you who remember English class from high school will recognize the lessons about the subjects and objects of sentences. Here is a quick refresher.

Subject = the main idea, the head honcho, the noun that functions as the main element of the sentence; without the ‘Subject,’ there is no sentence. If I were to explain a subject to my children, I would say, “The subject is like Batman.” They love Batman, so this would be a pretty easy analogy for them to grasp. Batman is the big cheese, the hero.


Making Christ the subject of our lives is important because it helps us prioritize our values and make intentional decisions that align with our faith. Putting Christ at our center and making Him the subject of the sentence will impact our daily lives by influencing our decision-making, relationships, priorities, and habits. It makes everything better.

Put Christ at the Center

As we work hard to put Christ at our center, we will begin to live with greater intentionality, kindness, and compassion and it can lead us to make choices that honor God and benefit ourselves and those around us.

By recognizing Christ as the main idea or the head honcho of our lives, we acknowledge that our ultimate purpose is to become like Him and live by His teachings. He is a great role model, someone to look up to and try to emulate – one that won’t disappoint us the way celebrities, pop stars, and other humans tend to. This can bring us clarity and direction as we make choices guided by our faith and values rather than societal pressures or how we feel in the moment.

I know we are all guilty of letting life drag us along sometimes. During really tough times, it’s hard to feel like you have any say in anything that is happening, and the pressures of the world can often determine the direction your life goes.

So, how do we do it? How do we put Christ at the center of our lives? I keep returning to the following five main topics. I have learned that if you work on them in order, they build on each other to form an excellent foundation for keeping Christ at your center.

  1. Faith
  2. Thoughts
  3. Home
  4. Parenting
  5. Circumstances
  6. Relationships

Stay tuned for future posts about these topics!

Embracing Your Faith

As we begin this journey, try to remember that it’s not about achieving perfection or conforming to societal expectations. Instead, it’s about embracing your faith, nurturing your relationship with the Savior, and allowing His teachings to guide your daily life. It’s about taking the life you have and making it into something you think is perfect—in its imperfect way. Because it won’t be perfect, but it can be picture-perfect to you.

Let's Get Back to What Really Matters

In a world that often prioritizes busyness and productivity, it's easy to lose sight of what truly matters. However, by intentionally making Christ the subject of the sentence and the center of your life, you can gain clarity, purpose, and direction. Just as Robin needs Batman, and a sentence needs a subject to give it meaning, meaning and purpose will come to your life when Christ is at your center.

Let's get back to what really matters and put Christ at the center of our lives. 


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